Fall Maintenance Checklist

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Capstone Custom Homes - Fall Prep

Believe it or not, winter will be here soon! No matter how old or new your house might be, you should always take the necessary steps during the fall to get your home ready for the tougher weather ahead. Here’s a closer look at some fall maintenance essentials.

Why Is It Important to Winterize Your Ohio Home?

Anywhere wind or water can get inside your house can cause major problems during an Ohio winter. From ice dams on the roof to drafty doors and windows, a home that isn’t properly equipped could experience significant energy loss, water damage, and other problems.

Tips for Your HVAC

No one wants their furnace to go out on a cold winter’s night. Routinely changing your furnace filters is a must to keep your system running smoothly. It’s a good idea to fire it up for a test run during the fall to make sure it works properly and schedule any needed maintenance so you can fix problems early on. Being on a maintenance plan with a reliable HVAC company is your best bet for avoiding unexpected breakdowns — but even if you prefer the DIY route, be sure to test your system before cold weather sets in. You don’t want to go without heat!

Sealing Windows, Doors and More

If you have older doors and windows, you should check to ensure they are sealed properly. Old or failing caulk or weatherstripping could allow water and drafts in through the gaps, making it harder to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. 

If your fall maintenance checklist seems to be getting longer and longer each year, it might be time for a new home! At Capstone Custom Homes, our team takes great pride in building high-quality homes that will stand the test of time. Contact us today to learn about available floor plans and customization options.