The Difference Between Warm and Cool Light

Submitted by Capstone Homes on

Did you know that lighting comes in different “temperatures?” Even with the exact same decor and finish, a room can look completely different based on whether it has “warm” or “cool” lighting. The type of lighting you choose can influence the mood and overall feel of your house. Here’s what you need to know.

The Advent of LED Lighting

The rise of LED lighting has gone a long way in giving homeowners more choice over the feel of a space. LEDs give more options for choosing bulbs of differing temperatures, or even bulbs where you can adjust the lighting temperature. Combined with improved energy efficiency, it’s clear that LED lighting is an excellent choice for your new home.

What is Considered Warm Light?

Warm lighting has a more natural, yellow or rosy glow. It is designed to have a softening effect, and works especially well in areas that receive natural light during the day. These bulbs are often labeled as “soft white” thanks to their softer, cozier glow.

What is Considered Cool Light?

Cool lighting tends to be more harsh and direct. It typically has a bright white glow with a slight bluish tint. Cool lighting can help you feel more alert and focused, and as a result, is often used in task-focused places like bathrooms and laundry rooms.

Regardless of your lighting preferences, try to keep lighting consistent in each room. Mixing warm and cool light can be irritating, and warm and cool lights will directly affect how paints and other design elements look. Talk to one of our sales consultants to make sure your lighting complements your other selections.